Adding Supporting Documents to Your Sourcing Activity

The Supporting Documents section in oboloo allows you to attach important documents that suppliers need to review as part of your sourcing activity. These could include technical specifications, legal templates, project briefs, or any other documents relevant to the activity. Additionally, you can request that suppliers upload their own supporting documents when responding to your sourcing activity, such as certificates, product sheets, or compliance reports. 

This guide will walk you through how to add and manage supporting documents for your sourcing activity using the Sourcing Wizard in oboloo.

Background on Supporting Documents in oboloo

Supporting documents play an essential role in the sourcing process by providing suppliers with the detailed information they need to submit informed and accurate proposals. These documents can include everything from technical requirements and drawings to legal templates and specific instructions. Similarly, requesting supporting documents from suppliers ensures that they submit the necessary certifications, qualifications, or other relevant documentation to help you make a well-rounded evaluation.

This section helps ensure that all required documents—both from your organisation and the suppliers—are submitted and organised within the sourcing activity for easy reference and review.

Visual Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Adding Supporting Documents

Text Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Adding Supporting Documents

Follow these steps to add and manage supporting documents in your sourcing activity.

Step 1: Click on 'Add New Document'

  • To attach a document to your sourcing activity, click the 'Add New Document' button.

Step 2: Add a Document Title

  • In the title field, enter a document title that is viewable to your suppliers. The title should clearly identify the subject of the document for easy reference.

Step 3: Add a Document Description

  • Provide a brief description of the document to give suppliers context. This helps both suppliers and your team understand the purpose of the document.
  • You can also use this description to request suppliers to upload their own supporting documents when they respond.

Step 4: Upload Your Selected Document

  • Click on the 'Select Document' field and choose the file you want to upload from your local device.

Step 5: Save the Document

  • Once you've uploaded the document, click the 'Save' button to attach it to your sourcing activity.

Step 6: Document Attached to Activity

  • After saving, your document will now be attached to the sourcing activity and available for suppliers to view.

Step 7: Remove Documents (Optional)

  • If you need to remove a document, click the delete icon next to the document in the table.

Step 8: Confirm Document Removal

  • A popup will appear to confirm the removal. Click 'Yes' to finalize the deletion of the document from the activity.

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Inviting Suppliers To Your Sourcing Activity